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Sistem Injeksi Kriogenik Freshline®

Secara efektif mencapai atau menjaga suhu dan tekstur ideal untuk diproses lebih lanjut, seperti pembentukan atau ekstrusi

Sistem Injeksi Kriogenik Freshline® kami, termasuk Freshline® LIN-IS kami yang terkenal, memungkinkan kontrol suhu yang tepat dan bahkan mendinginkan sediaan makanan atau saus selama langkah pencampuran. Terbaik di kelasnya di pasar dalam hal kebersihan dan efisiensi, mereka direkomendasikan oleh banyak produsen blender.

Apakah Anda ingin mempertahankan suhu yang aman setiap saat atau mencapai suhu atau tekstur optimal untuk pemrosesan lebih lanjut (pembentukan atau ekstrusi), Sistem Injeksi Kriogenik Freshline® kami dapat disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi tepat Anda. Berjalan pada nitrogen cair atau CO₂, mereka dapat dipasang pada semua jenis mixer.

Unduh brosur Freshline® LIN-IS (Larutan Injeksi Nitrogen Cair)

Why Do Our Customers Choose Our Temperature Control Systems?

There are 6 main reasons why our customers choose our cryogenic injection solutions including our best seller; the Freshline® LIN-IS


Even, precise and repeatable temperature control leading to a homogenous and consistent end result

Gas Efficiency

Design which ensures that every drop of cryogen is used to its maximum for optimal efficiency


Hygienic design and integrated cleaning solution (CIP) for a decreased downtime and greater peace of mind


Easy to operate, locally or remotely controlled, pre-recorded recipes for easy product changeovers and much more


Enables a rapid drop in temperature (and allows the speeding up of the production process)


Bottom injection option for a faster more direct chill or top injection for a softer chill

Freshline® LIN-IS - Temperature Control Technology


"Sejak 2007 kami telah menggunakan LIN-IS di mixer dan grinder kami untuk mendinginkan adonan dan mencapai suhu yang tepat. Ini menghemat banyak waktu kami dan kami mendapatkan hasil yang konsisten ".
S. van den Hanenberg, Direktur Operasi, Dalco Food NV

Ask the Expert

“Do you have many customers using the Freshline LIN-IS?"
Yes. We have over 100 LIN-IS systems successfully running throughout Europe and even more if we look at the global numbers

Freshline® LIN-IS

Gas Supply Options

Carbon Dioxide

Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.


Useful as a gas, for its inert properties, and as a liquid for cooling and freezing. Virtually any industry can benefit from its unique properties to improve yields, optimize performance and make operations safer.

Bulk Supply

Delivered by truck and stored on your site either as a liquid in cryogenic tanks or as a gas in high-pressure tubes based on your volume, desired pressure, purity level, flow rate, and operating pattern.

Curious to hear more about our cryogenic injection systems?

Book a free consultation with one of our experts.

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